Paličova dcera - picture 2
Paličova dcera - picture 2
In a courtroom. The young man with a top hat on his hand is Toník Jedlička (actor: Miloš Vávra) - a lover of Rozárka (actress: Božena Plecitá). Valenta (actor: Vojtěch Záhořík) holds the shoulder of his daughter Rozárka. The judge (actor: Alois Škrdlík) watchs them. In front of the window sits a record-keeper (actor: Josef Gabris).
Altri titoli: Paličova dcera - picture 2
Data di creazione: 1923
Descrizione: In a courtroom. The young man with a top hat on his hand is Toník Jedlička (actor: Miloš Vávra) - a lover of Rozárka (actress: Božena Plecitá). Valenta (actor: Vojtěch Záhořík) holds the shoulder of his daughter Rozárka. The judge (actor: Alois Škrdlík) watchs them. In front of the window sits a record-keeper (actor: Josef Gabris).
Parole chiave: muži / žena / stůl soudní / svícny / okna / obraz / židle / zábradlí / men / woman / court / desk / candlesticks / windows / picture / chair / banister
Fonte esterna: Národní filmový archiv
Diritti: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Tipo documento: Set photo